目前分類:jenkins (20)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

1.安裝jenkins plugin

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jenkins job ->configure

Refspec: +refs/tags/*:refs/remotes/origin/tags/*

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用sh gradlew clean build > log.log 2> errorlog.log

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mkdir -p /var/www/html/${JOB_BASE_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}
find . -name "*.apk" -exec mv {} /var/www/html/${JOB_BASE_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER} \;

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Jenkins project -> Configure

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需要安裝Environment Injector plugin

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jenkins project -> Configure

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jenkins project內的 Post-build Action 使用 Flexible publish

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1.在build server上建立ftp server

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1.Install plugin: Google Chat Notification 


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1.install plugin:
Jenkins -> Manager Jenkins -> Manager Plugins -> JaCoCo plugin -> Download now and install after restart

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1.install plugin:
Jenkins -> Manager Jenkins -> Manager Plugins -> JUnit Plugin -> Download now and install after restart

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jenkins -> Manager Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration -> JDK installations -> add JDK 

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jenkins project -> Configure -> General -> Restrict where this project can be run ->  Label Expression 輸入 node Label

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1.設定TCP port for JNLP agents為"Random "
Manage Jenkins -> Configure Global Security ->  Agents -> TCP port for JNLP agents 選擇 "Random "

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jenkins project -> Source Code Management-> Git ->

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1.install plugin:
Jenkins -> Manager Jenkins -> Manager Plugins -> Gradle plugin -> Download now and install after restart

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進入專案->configure->Post-build Actions ->(下拉bar選擇)Archive the artifacts->**/*.apk,**/*.aar

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1.進入jenkins project configure
2.Build Triggers選項中複製 webhook URL + Generate Secret token(藏在Advanced)

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